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Data Mapper pattern, exceptions, and handling user-provided data

In applying the Data Mapper pattern, the model (Domain Model in my case) is responsible for business logic where possible, rather than the mapper that saves the entity to the database.

Does it seem reasonable to build a separate business logic validator for processing user-provided data outside of the model?

An example is below, in PHP syntax.

Let's say we have an entity $person. Let's say that that entity has a property surname which can not be empty when saved.

The user has entered an illegal empty value for surname. Since the model is responsible for encapsulating business logic, I'd expect $person->surname = $surname; to somehow say that the operation was not successful when the user-entered $surname is an empty string.

It seems to me that $person should throw an exception if we attempt to fill one of its properties with an illegal value.

However, from what I've read on exceptions "A user entering 'bad' input is not an exception: it's to be expected." The implication is to not rely on exceptions to validate user data.

How would you suggest approaching this problem, with the balance between letting the Domain Model define business logic, yet not relying on exceptions being thrown by that Domain Model when filling it with user-entered data?

like image 518
eoinoc Avatar asked May 09 '14 16:05


People also ask

What is data mapper in ORM?

From P of EAA: Data Mapper is a layer of Mappers that moves data between objects and a database while keeping them independent of each other and the mapper itself. ORM (Object Relational Mapping) is an possible implementation of Data Mapper.

Is mapper a design pattern?

Mapper is most like the adapter pattern (using GoF parlance). The adapter pattern provides functionality for converting one representation into another.

When would you use a data mapper?

This is useful when one needs to model and enforce strict business processes on the data in the domain layer that do not map neatly to the persistent data store. The layer is composed of one or more mappers (or Data Access Objects), performing the data transfer.

What is data mapper in Java?

A Data Mapper is a Data Access Layer that performs bidirectional transfer of data between a persistent data store (often a relational database) and an in-memory data representation (the domain layer).

2 Answers

A Domain Model is not necessarily an object that can be directly translated to a database row. Your Person example does fit this description, and I like to call such an object an Entity (adopted from the Doctrine 2 ORM). But, like Martin Fowler describes, a Domain Model is any object that incorporates both behavior and data.

a strict solution

Here's a quite strict solution to the problem you describe:

Say your Person Domain Model (or Entity) must have a first name and last name, and optionally a maiden name. These must be strings, but for simplicity may contain any character. You want to enforce that whenever such a Person exists, these prerequisites are met. The class would look like this:

class Person
     * @var string
    protected $firstname;

     * @var string
    protected $lastname;

     * @var string|null
    protected $maidenname;

     * @param  string      $firstname
     * @param  string      $lastname
     * @param  string|null $maidenname
    public function __construct($firstname, $lastname, $maidenname = null)

     * @param string $firstname
    public function setFirstname($firstname)
        if (!is_string($firstname)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Must be a string');

        $this->firstname = $firstname;

     * @return string
    public function getFirstname()
        return $this->firstname;

     * @param string $lastname
    public function setLastname($lastname)
        if (!is_string($lastname)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Must be a string');

        $this->lastname = $lastname;

     * @return string
    public function getLastname()
        return $this->lastname;

     * @param string|null $maidenname
    public function setMaidenname($maidenname)
        if (!is_string($maidenname) or !is_null($maidenname)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Must be a string or null');

        $this->maidenname = $maidenname;

     * @return string|null
    public function getMaidenname()
        return $this->maidenname;

As you can see there is no way (disregarding Reflection) that you can instantiate a Person object without having the prerequisites met. This is a good thing, because whenever you encounter a Person object, you can be a 100% sure about what kind of data you are dealing with.

Now you need a second Domain Model to handle user input, lets call it PersonForm (because it often represents a form being filled out on a website). It has the same properties as Person, but blindly accepts any kind of data. It will also have a list of validation rules, a method like isValid() that uses those rules to validate the data, and a method to fetch any violations. I'll leave the definition of the class to your imagination :)

Last you need a Controller (or Service) to tie these together. Here's some pseudo-code:

class PersonController
     * @param Request      $request
     * @param PersonMapper $mapper
     * @param ViewRenderer $view
    public function createAction($request, $mapper, $view)
        if ($request->isPost()) {
            $data = $request->getPostData();

            $personForm = new PersonForm();

            if ($personForm->isValid()) {
                $person = new Person(


                // redirect
            } else {


As you can see the PersonForm is used to intercept and validate user input. And only if that input is valid a Person is created and saved in the database.

business rules

This does mean that certain business logic will be duplicated:

In Person you'll want to enforce business rules, but it can simple throw an exception when something is off.

In PersonForm you'll have validators that apply the same rules to prevent invalid user input from reaching Person. But here those validators can be more advanced. Think off things like human error messages, breaking on the first rule, etc. You can also apply filters that change the input slightly (like lowercasing a username for example).

In other words: Person will enforce business rules on a low level, while PersonForm is more about handling user input.

more convenient

A less strict approach, but maybe more convenient:

Limit the validation done in Person to enforce required properties, and enforce the type of properties (string, int, etc). No more then that.

You can also have a list of constraints in Person. These are the business rules, but without actual validation code. So it's just a bit of configuration.

Have a Validator service that is capable of receiving data along with a list of constraints. It should be able to validate that data according to the constraints. You'll probably want a small validator class for each type of constraint. (Have a look at the Symfony 2 validator component).

PersonForm can have the Validator service injected, so it can use that service to validate the user input.

Lastly, have a PersonManager service that's responsible for any actions you want to perform on a Person (like create/update/delete, and maybe things like register/activate/etc). The PersonManager will need the PersonMapper as dependency.

When you need to create a Person, you call something like $personManager->create($userInput); That call will create a PersonForm, validate the data, create a Person (when the data is valid), and persist the Person using the PersonMapper.

The key here is this:

You could draw a circle around all these classes and call it your "Person domain" (DDD). And the interface (entry point) to that domain is the PersonManager service. Every action you want to perform on a Person must go through PersonManager.

If you stick to that in your application, you should be safe regarding to ensuring business rules :)

like image 54
Jasper N. Brouwer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Jasper N. Brouwer

I think the statement "A user entering 'bad' input is not an exception: it's to be expected." is debatable...

But if you don't want to throw an exception, why don't you create an isValid(), or getValidationErrors() method?

You can then throw an exception, if someone tries to save an invalid entity to the database.

like image 41
George Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
