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New posts in value-objects

Value object or entity object in my Hibernate mapping?

Method chaining with value objects

Are all immutable objects re-usable?

Standard value types as ValueObjects in DDD?

How to handle null when comparing equality of value objects?

DDD: Share entity with multiple aggregate roots

In DDD how to pass Value Objects via DTO?

EF 6: mapping complex type collection?

How to automap a collection of components with Fluent NHibernate?

How do the `EqualOperator()` and `NotEqualOperator()` methods work in this `ValueObject` implementation (Microsoft Docs)?

EF Core and DDD: Store ValueObjects in the same table as Entities, also use parametrized constructors to set property values on Entities

How to share validation between Forms and Value Objects in Domain Driven Design?

DDD - Share or duplicate a value object to be used between two aggregate roots?

Implementing the value object pattern in D

DDD: what's the use of the difference between entities and value objects?

DDD: how to keep a complex value object immutable?

Entity Framework Core 2.1 - owned types and nested value objects

DDD: Can a Value Object have lists inside them?