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New posts in service-layer

What methods should be written in the Service Layer?

Repository pattern and collection error handling

Where should I be saving a model in Laravel MVC?

AutoMapper in Service Layer

Understanding and Using "Service Layers" - .NET MVC 5

Help creating a flexible base 'find' method in a service class using the DRY principle

DTO's and calls between services

Injecting a service into another service

Getting all aggregate root entities child entities?

ASP.NET MVC service layer input output data

How to combine JSR-303 and Spring Validator class in a service layer?

ZF + Doctrine 2 : Heavy model classes or Lightweight model + Service layer?

Data access and security in service layer (Doctrine & ZF)

MVC - Controller to Service Layer Communication

.NET MVC Best practices as far as keeping the controller from being very unreadable [closed]

The effects of adding a Service Layer to a Laravel application

laravel service-layer

Strongly typed Linq filtering method

MVC3 App/Service Layer/Repository Layer/POCO Classes/EF4 - Questions!

Should ServiceStack be the service layer in an MVC application or should it call the service layer?