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New posts in arithmetic-expressions

Regular expression for arithmetic expression

Inhibit implicit conversion while using arithmetic operators

BASH: Percentage change - how to calculate it? How to get absolute value without bc?

Arithmetic operation within string concatenation without parenthesis causes strange result

comparing floating point numbers in C for unit testing

Are basic arithmetic operations in C# atomic

How does `int sum = n + - + - + - + n` compile where `n` is an `int`?

Why does the 6502 microcontroller not have a arithmetic right shift?

Writing infinite list to skip every factor of p?

Can you implement arithmetic operator as variables in C?

C++ test for divisibility with double

Where does the recursive variable expansion in bash/shell numeric contexts come from?

What's more costly on current CPUs: arithmetic operations or conditionals?

How to promote two template types for arithmitic operations like builtin types do?

Extra parenthesis changing result of formula in SQL Server 2008

Scientific Notation Conversion - Scheme

Arithmetic with array elements in bash

What does this arithmetic expression mean: A += B++ == 0 in C++;

How to simplify modulus arithmetic?