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New posts in intrinsics

SSE intrinsics: masking a float and using bitwise and?

c++ sse intrinsics

Which is the most efficient way to extract an arbitrary range of bits from a contiguous sequence of words?

Questions about the performance of different implementations of strlen [closed]

Convert _mm_clmulepi64_si128 to vmull_{high}_p64

c intrinsics arm64

How do initialize an SIMD vector with a range from 0 to N?

c x86 sse simd intrinsics

How can a literal 0 and 0 as a variable yield different behavior with the function __builtin_clz?

What does this union in Intel's Embree do?

c++ intel intrinsics

checking for nans with intrinsics in c++

What is the fastest way for a multithread SIMD operation explicitly?

Kotlin: Intrinsics.areEqual infinite loop (stack overflow)

SSE/AVX: Choose from two __m256 float vectors based on per-element min and max absolute value

sse intrinsics avx avx512

SSE integer 2^n powers of 2 for 32-bit integers without AVX2

c++ x86 sse simd intrinsics

AVX2: BitScanReverse or CountLeadingZeros on 8 bit elements in AVX register

c++ simd intrinsics avx avx2

Data type compatibility with NEON intrinsics

gcc arm neon intrinsics

Intel C Compiler uses unaligned SIMD moves with aligned memory

inlining failed in call to always_inline '__m256d _mm256_broadcast_sd(const double*)'

c++ gcc x86 intrinsics avx

Why does my data not seem to be aligned?

c++ alignment intrinsics

SSE Loading & Adding

c x86 sse simd intrinsics

Can a C++ Compiler Eliminate a Volatile Local Var that is not Read

How does _mm256_shuffle_ps work?

c x86 simd intrinsics avx