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New posts in opcode

6502 cycle timing per instruction

emulation opcode 6502

PowerPC opcode table?

What is the meaning of parentheses in opcodes in a NASM generated listing file?

Decoding and matching Chip 8 opcodes in C/C++

c++ c emulation decode opcode

Turing Complete Alphanumeric x86 Instruction Set (Subset)

Do short instructions have better performance?

c# il opcode aot

List of Cortex-M4 Opcodes

What is the purpose of the 40h REX opcode in ASM x64?

Why did RV64 introduce new opcodes for 32-bit operations instead of the 64-bit ones

Why does the ia32/x64 opcode map document 0x66 and 0xF2 as a double mandatory prefix for opcode 0x0F38F1 (CRC32)?

How can I find CALL and RET number using ptrace?

c assembly elf opcode ptrace

What is the difference between the various MOV opcodes?

assembly x86 opcode mov

Post-increment acting weird

php opcode

List of dalvik opcodes with operand details

dalvik opcode

Dynamic object property populator (without reflection)

c# opcode ilgenerator

Why call instruction opcode is represented as FF15?

assembly x86 opcode

What's the purpose of the 'short' notation of IL?

c# .net il opcode

Finding number of operands in an instruction from opcodes

Searching for a nice way to define rules for decompiler, need advice

Perl - Opcode to source code?

perl opcode reversing