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List of Cortex-M4 Opcodes

I've been looking for a list of the opcodes used in ARM Cortex M3/M4/M4F, without luck.

There are plenty of [online] references to the 32-bit format of ARM instructions.
References to Thumb-2 instructions are scarce, but available.
The version used in -M variants, however, I cannot find!

The ARM Technical Reference Manual has a "programmers Model" section which lists instructions, cycles per instruction... but no actual codes.
I found a "Definitive Guide" which has the same problem.

The information must be out there somewhere- you need it to write a compiler.
Where should I be looking?

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Alan Campbell Avatar asked Nov 01 '22 12:11

Alan Campbell

1 Answers

The ARM Technical Reference Manual [...]

Wrong manual. You need the ARM ARM, or ARM Architecture manual for armv7-m. I cannot link to it here because ARM allows downloads of the ARM ARM only for registered users.

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Turbo J Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 11:11

Turbo J