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New posts in sse4

How do I enable the SSE4.2 instruction set in Visual C++?

How to simulate pcmpgtq on sse2?

assembly sse simd sse2 sse4

Does .NET Framework 4.5 provide SSE4/AVX support?

.net simd .net-4.5 avx sse4

Will Knights Landing CPU (Xeon Phi) accelerate byte/word integer code?

c byte xeon-phi sse4 avx512

How to compare more than two numbers in parallel?

What is the fastest way to do a SIMD gather without AVX(2)?

x86 sse simd sse4

SSE42 & STTNI - PcmpEstrM is twice slower than PcmpIstrM, is it true?

c++ performance sse sse4

Simulating packusdw functionality with SSE2

x86 sse intrinsics sse2 sse4

How to enable support for the POPCNT instruction / intrinsic on my computer?

c gcc x86 sse4 population-count

Make a Dockerfile that compiles a Tensorflow binary to use: SSE4.1, SSE4.2 and AVX instructions

docker tensorflow cpu sse4

Can PTEST be used to test if two registers are both zero or some other condition?

assembly x86 sse intrinsics sse4

Optimal SSE unsigned 8 bit compare

c x86 sse simd sse4

MOVDQU instruction + page boundary

linux sse4

What's the difference between __popcnt() and _mm_popcnt_u32()?

x86 sse intrinsics sse4

SSE multiplication 16 x uint8_t

x86 sse simd sse4

Generate code for multiple SIMD architectures

gcc simd avx sse4

Optimizing code using Intel SSE intrinsics for vectorization

c sse sse3 sse4