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New posts in xeon-phi

R Parallel Processing with Xeon Phi, minimal code changes?

Get specific model of a xeon phi [closed]

icc intel-mic xeon-phi

Installing R `forecast` package on a Linux Cluster: compiler issues?

Xeon Phi coprocessor vs Xeon Phi host processor?

openmp processor xeon-phi

Will Knights Landing CPU (Xeon Phi) accelerate byte/word integer code?

c byte xeon-phi sse4 avx512

Is there a simulator/emulator of Xeon Phi?

How to use GCC 5.1 and OpenMP to offload work to Xeon Phi

gcc openmp xeon-phi offloading

Why Intel compiler ignores the non-temporal prefetch pragma directive for Intel MIC?

How to program Intel Xeon Phi with C#? [closed]

c# multithreading xeon-phi

Using Xeon Phi with JVM-based language

Fast popcount on Intel Xeon Phi

What is the most efficient way to clear a single or a few ZMM registers on Knights Landing?

Benchmarks comparing Intel Xeon Phi and Nvidia Tesla K20

What is the fastest way to return the positions of all set bits in a 64-bit integer?