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New posts in benchmarking

Why is allocation and deallocation of std::vector slower than dynamic array on my machine

Is there a standard constant *nix benchmark, and if not, how to make a `bogobench`?

Zipfian vs Uniform - What's the difference between these two YCSB distribution?

benchmarking ycsb nosql

benchmark a piece of code independent of CPU performance?

Resulting EXE speed for C++ under VS2005, VS2008; VS2010 compilers

Does the use of the computer while benchmarking have an influence on the benchmark results?

perl benchmarking

Is there a way to speed up this function?

how to test and benchmark aerospike

perlbench results in segfault outside the SPEC 2006 harness

Why are my prototypes so slow?

Most relevant performance indicators for C/C++

Performance of function call in Common Lisp SBCL

Benchmarking memory copy in a single shot

Web CMS Performance: pages/second (Joomla, Drupal, Plone, WP)

Benchmarking CPU-bound algorithms/implementations

Subprocess memory usage in python

How to improve Redis server's CPU usage?

lua redis benchmarking

Java performance: Search and removal speed on removeAll()

What is the best Linux filesystem for MySQL (InnoDB)? [closed]

How reliable is current_kernel_time()?