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Benchmarking CPU-bound algorithms/implementations

Let's say I'm writing my own StringBuilder in a compiled language (e.g. C++).

What is the best way to measure the performance of various implementations? Simply timing a few hundred thousand runs yields highly inconsistent results: the timings from one batch to the other can differ by as much as 15%, making it impossible to accurately assess potential performance improvements that yield performance gains smaller than that.

I've done the following:

  1. Disable SpeedStep
  2. Use RDTSC for timing
  3. Run the process with realtime priority
  4. Set the affinity to a single CPU core

This stabilizied the results somewhat. Any other ideas?

like image 669
Vladimir Panteleev Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 23:01

Vladimir Panteleev

1 Answers

I have achieved 100% consistent results in this manner:

  1. Set up Bochs with MS-DOS.
  2. Set up your toolchain to target MS-DOS
    — or —
    1. Set up your toolchain to target 32-bit Windows
    2. Install the HX-DOS extender in Bochs.
    3. If necessary, hack your toolkit's standard library / runtime and stub out/remove features requiring Windows APIs not implemented in HX-DOS. The extender will print a list of unimplemented APIs when you attempt to run the program.
  3. Reduce the number of cycles in your benchmark by a few orders of magnitude.
  4. Wrap the benchmark code with assembler cli / sti instructions (note that the binary won't run on modern OSes after this change).
  5. If you haven't already, make your benchmark use rdtsc deltas for timing. The samples should be within the clisti instructions.
  6. Run it in the Bochs!

Bochs screenshot

The result seems to be completely deterministic, but is not an accurate assessment of overall performance (see the discussion under Osman Turan's answer for details).

As a bonus tip, here's an easy way to share files with Bochs (so you don't have to unmount/rebuild/remount the floppy image every time):

On Windows, Bochs will lock the floppy image file, but the file is still opened in shared-write mode. This means that you can't overwrite the file, but you can write to it. (I think *nix OSes might cause overwriting to create a new file, as far as file descriptors are concerned.) The trick is to use dd. I had the following batch script set up:

... benchmark build commands here ...
copy /Y C:\Path\To\Benchmark\Project\test2dos.exe floppy\test2.exe
bfi -t=288 -f=floppysrc.img floppy
dd if=floppysrc.img of=floppy.img

bfi is Bart's Build Floppy Image.

Then, just mount floppy.img in Bochs.

Bonus tip #2: To avoid having to manually start the benchmark every time in Bochs, put an empty go.txt file in the floppy directory, and run this batch in Bochs:

@echo off
choice /T:y,1 > nul
if not exist go.txt goto loop
del go.txt
echo ---------------------------------------------------
goto loop

It will start the test program every time it detects a fresh floppy image. This way, you can automate a benchmark run in a single script.

Update: this method is not very reliable. Sometimes the timings would change as much as by 200% just by reordering some tests (these timing changes were not observed when ran on real hardware, using the methods described in the original question).

like image 133
Vladimir Panteleev Avatar answered Feb 11 '23 13:02

Vladimir Panteleev