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SSE42 & STTNI - PcmpEstrM is twice slower than PcmpIstrM, is it true?

I'm experimenting with SSE42 and STTNI instructions and have got strange result - PcmpEstrM (works with explicit length strings) runs twice slower than PcmpIstrM (implicit length strings).

  • On my i7 3610QM the difference is 2366.2 ms vs. 1202.3 ms - 97%.
  • On i5 3470 difference is not so huge, but is still significant = 3206.2 ms vs. 2623.2 ms - 22%.

Both are "Ivy Bridge" - it is strange that they have so different "difference" (at least i can't see any technical differences in their specs - http://www.cpu-world.com/Compare_CPUs/Intel_AW8063801013511,Intel_CM8063701093302/).

Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual mentions same throughput = 11 and latency = 3 for both PcmpEstrM and PcmpIstrM. Therefore i expect similar performance for both.

Q: Is the difference i've got practically designed/expected or i'm using these instruction in a wrong way?

Below is my dummy test scenario (VS 2012). The logic is pretty simple - scan 16MB оf text to find matching character. Since none of haystack and needle string contain zero terminators - i expect both E and I to have similar performance.

PS: I tried posting this question at intel's dev forum, but they identify it as spam :(

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#define BEGIN_TIMER(NAME)                       \
    {                                           \
        LARGE_INTEGER   __freq;                 \
        LARGE_INTEGER   __t0;                   \
        LARGE_INTEGER   __t1;                   \
        double          __tms;                  \
        const char*     __tname = NAME;         \
        char            __tbuf[0xff];           \
        QueryPerformanceFrequency(&__freq);     \
#define END_TIMER()                             \
        QueryPerformanceCounter(&__t1);         \
        __tms = (__t1.QuadPart - __t0.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / __freq.QuadPart; \
        sprintf_s(__tbuf, sizeof(__tbuf), "%-32s = %6.1f ms\n", __tname, __tms ); \
        OutputDebugStringA(__tbuf);             \
        printf(__tbuf);                         \
// 4.1.3 Aggregation Operation
#define SSE42_AGGOP_BITBASE         2
#define SSE42_AGGOP_EQUAL_ANY       (00b << SSE42_AGGOP_BITBASE)
#define SSE42_AGGOP_RANGES          (01b << SSE42_AGGOP_BITBASE)
#define SSE42_AGGOP_EQUAL_EACH      (10b << SSE42_AGGOP_BITBASE)
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int cIterations = 1000000;
    int cCycles = 1000;
    int cchData = 16 * cIterations;
    char* testdata = new char[cchData + 16];

    memset(testdata, '*', cchData);
    testdata[cchData - 1] = '+';
    testdata[cchData] = '\0';
    BEGIN_TIMER("PcmpIstrI") {
        for( int i = 0; i < cCycles; i++ ) {
            __asm {
                    push        ecx
                    push        edx
                    push        ebx
                    mov         edi, testdata
                    mov         ebx, cIterations
                    mov         al, '+'
                    mov         ah, al
                    movd        xmm1, eax               // fill low word with pattern
                    pshuflw     xmm1, xmm1, 0           // fill low dqword with pattern
                    movlhps     xmm1, xmm1              // ... and copy it hi dqword
                    PcmpIstrM   xmm1, [edi], SSE42_AGGOP_EQUAL_EACH
                    add         edi, 16
                    sub         ebx, 1
                    jnz         loop_pcmpistri
                    pop         ebx
                    pop         edx
                    pop         ecx
    } END_TIMER();
    BEGIN_TIMER("PcmpEstrI") {
        for( int i = 0; i < cCycles; i++ ) {
            __asm {
                    push        ecx
                    push        edx
                    push        ebx
                    mov         edi, testdata
                    mov         ebx, cIterations
                    mov         al, '+'
                    mov         ah, al
                    movd        xmm1, eax               // fill low word with pattern
                    pshuflw     xmm1, xmm1, 0           // fill low dqword with pattern
                    movlhps     xmm1, xmm1              // ... and copy it hi dqword
                    mov         eax, 15
                    mov         edx, 15
                    PcmpEstrM   xmm1, [edi], SSE42_AGGOP_EQUAL_EACH
                    add         edi, 16
                    sub         ebx, 1
                    jnz         loop_pcmpestri
                    pop         ebx
                    pop         edx
                    pop         ecx
    } END_TIMER();
    return 0;
like image 830
Xtra Coder Avatar asked Jan 05 '14 16:01

Xtra Coder

1 Answers

According to the instruction tables of Agner fog, pcmpestrm takes 8 µops, whereas pcmpistrm takes 3 µops on most architectures. This should explain the performance difference you observe. Consider rewriting your code so you can use pcmpistrm instead of pcmpestrm if possible.

like image 182
fuz Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
