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New posts in math.h

Storing numbers with higher precision in C

C: Undefined reference to floor

C++ math functions can be used without including the directive "math.h" in VS 2013

Undefined reference to exp on Ubuntu (including math.h and linking with -lm)

c ubuntu makefile math.h

sqrt is only defined when argument is nonnegative

c gcc math.h sqrt

Disable math.h crap when working with cmath [duplicate]

c++ c namespaces math.h cmath

Visual C++ math.h bug

c++ floating-point math.h

float_t and double_t format specifiers

Why fabs() doesn't require the -lm option when compiling with GCC

c gcc math.h

Is it possible to roll a significantly faster version of modf

Looking for a pure c-version of math.h functions (no co-processor support) [closed]

c libc math.h newlib uclibc

erf(x) and math.h


Linking error - gcc -lm

gcc ubuntu linker ld math.h

Is there a Java equivalent of frexp?

java c++ c floating-point math.h

exp10 different to pow(10)

c++ floating-point math.h

Does casting double to int returns the round down number?

c casting double math.h

Guaranteed precision of sqrt function in C/C++

Why do both % and fmod() exist in C

c math.h

C/C++ fastest cmath log operation

c++ c logarithm math.h cmath

c math linker problems on Ubuntu 11.10 [duplicate]

c gcc ubuntu linker math.h