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New posts in long-double

Does Java's BigDecimal leverage the hardware architecture like long double in C++?

Output precision is higher than double precision

Which function should be use to converting string to long double?

c++ c parsing long-double

Mixing NumPy longdouble and SymPy numerical evaluation – what about precision?

python numpy sympy long-double

Largest integer that can be stored in long double

c integer max long-double

Performance implications of long double. Why does C choose 64-bits instead of the hardware's 80-bit for its default?

can't print correctly a long double in C

c long-double

long double math library implementations?

c math c99 long-double

How do I use the numpy longdouble dtype?

x86-64 long double precision

Long Double in C

c long-double

How can you easily calculate the square root of an unsigned long long in C?

How to get a Python long double literal?

python numpy long-double

Why are double and long double completely the same on my 64 bit machine?

c++ double long-double

Union not reinterpreting values?

sizeof long double and precision not matching?

What are the applications/benefits of an 80-bit extended precision data type?

Why did Microsoft abandon long double data type? [closed]

What is the precision of long double in C++?

c++ precision long-double