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New posts in unsigned-long-long-int

Parsing 64-bit unsigned integer on iOS

unsigned int(32bit) to unsigned long long (64bit)

Assigning length of a string to an integer: C++

How to convert a hex string to an unsigned long?

How to change from negative number to zero in Swift [closed]

Double to `unsigned long long` causes memory (stack?) corruption

64bit integer conversion from string

Store unsigned long long using Core Data

How can you easily calculate the square root of an unsigned long long in C?

Why aligning of long long union member is bigger than the containing union/struct? Is this correct?

Why is the std::bitset constructor with an unsigned long long argument not marked as explicit?

Is std::streampos guaranteed to be unsigned long long?

Getting big random numbers in C/C++

Implicit conversion: is the following warning valid?

Printing unsigned long long int Value Type Returns Strange Results

unsigned long long vs unsigned long(portability point of view)

Unsigned Long Long from Double in Swift

Using long int in PHP

(lldb) Print unsigned long long in hex

Can the Django ORM store an unsigned 64-bit integer (aka ulong64 or uint64) in a reliably backend-agnostic manner?