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New posts in stdstring

Difference between str.clear() and str = ""

Understanding behavior of overloading operator new in shared library

why an integer can be assigned to a string variable? [duplicate]

Does string::capacity/reserve() count terminating null?

Is it safe to use the throw() suffix on a function containing std::string?

c++ exception std stdstring

How to manage string slices with less overhead?

Why can compiler only implicitly convert char * to std::string in some cases

implement reverse_iterator for my string class (also rbegin() and rend() methods)

Should I use unique_ptr for a string?

c++ c++11 unique-ptr stdstring

Function for calculating the vowels in a string

constexpr with string operations workaround?

c++ c++11 stdstring constexpr

Assigning length of a string to an integer: C++

Split the string on dot and retrieve each values from it in C++

c++ split stdstring

std::string '+' : cannot add two pointers

c++ visual-c++ stdstring

Is there an alternative to using str.substr( ) to extract a substring at a given position?

Using C functions to manipulate std::string

c++ c++17 stdstring

Can I do a zero-copy std::string allocation in C++ from a const char * array?

Why std::string append is not overloaded on rval ref?

How do I convert a "pointer to const TCHAR" to a "std::string"?

c++ stdstring tchar

C++ How to calculate the number time a string occurs in a data

c++ stdstring