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New posts in stdstring

Replace specific characters in std::string with spaces

c++ string parsing stdstring

Creating binary (custom length) string in C++ [duplicate]

c++ null stdstring

Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "toString(int)"

Why std::string hasn't const char* cast operator in C++11?

c++ c++11 stl stdstring

c++ what is CharT element in string::size?

c++ stdstring

How to capitalize a word in a C++ string?

c++ boost stdstring capitalize

Valgrind memory leak with std::string in std::map

c++ valgrind stdstring stdmap

string representing date and transform it

c++ string c++11 stdstring

How to write a custom exception class derived from std::invalid_argument?

how does std::string manages this trick?

Will passing std::string via copying be optimized?

c++ gcc stdstring

Why is my BSTR to std::wstring conversion so slow? Is my tester bad?

c++ performance stdstring bstr

Derive from std:string to add typedefs and enums

Do I need to initialize std::string

std::string as a key in std::map using a compare operator

c++ key std stdstring stdmap

Why does std::atomic<std::string> give trivially copyable error? [duplicate]

Why is std::max not working for string literals?

Using the less than comparison operator for strings

Does a std::string always require heap memory?

c++ memory stdstring

How to replace all occurrences of one character with two characters using std::string?

c++ replace escaping stdstring