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New posts in c++-standard-library

Implement quicksort on bi-directional iterators

Difference between str.clear() and str = ""

Does string::capacity/reserve() count terminating null?

add_lvalue_reference/add_rvalue_reference and cv-qualified type

c++ c++-standard-library

Does the C++ standard library have a templated getter for the printf conversion specifier?

Build large(ish) unordered set with all data available at the beginning

What is KeyEqual in std::unordered_set for?

Move a std::map vs move all the elements of a std::map

Why doesn't N3421 provide the noexcept qualifier?

Why does std::map not have an insert function of type insert(key &k, val &v)

Is array::operator[] actually noexcept?

How to implement a universal function for both sequence and associative container?

P0960, Is there any kind of mechanic to detect if there are narrowing in the new aggregates init with ()s in c++20?

Get size of std::bitset without instance

An array of pairs instead of an STL map - possible? What are the pros and cons? [duplicate]

keys not unique in c++ map

Any useful difference between std::bit_cast and std::start_lifetime_as?

Is lowercase null valid in C++?


Why will std::rel_ops::operators be deprecated in C++20?