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New posts in function-templates

Compilation issue with instantiating function template

How to constraint a template to be iterable ranges using concepts?

Logical error in Function template

c++ stl function-templates

Why does Stroustrup's book demonstrate default function template arguments, which weren't allowed at the time?

c++ function-templates

C++: template function with explicitly specified reference type as type parameter

c++ function-templates

Template argument as function unnamed argument

Can C++ free functions be aliased?

How to implement a universal function for both sequence and associative container?

C++ Template type deduction for temporary value

Unexpected overload resolution with default function template parameter

Overloading the End of Recursion for a Variable Length Template Function

D function templates and type inference

Legal use of non-trailing function template parameter pack?

C++ Function Template instantiaion with implicit parameters

How can I write a function template that can accept either a stack or a queue?

Function template overload resolution with a pointer argument

Template Function Selection Based on Nested Type

Why does this template function not behave as expected?