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New posts in function-object

How to pass function by reference?

C++ Passing function objects as lvalues and/or rvalues

How to properly define function objects in c++?

Why doesn't N3421 provide the noexcept qualifier?

Declaring function objects for comparison?

Using an std::function for wrapping a function object

How I can pass callable object to function as parameter

Using std::tm as Key in std::map

c++ map key function-object

Why can I pass a value-accepting callable to a reference-accepting std::function?

Dart(/Flutter): Create function in initializer list

Using STL algorithms with shared_ptr, function objects

Is there an idiomatic way to create a collection of delegates in C++?

When using templates to support functor as arguments, what qualifier should I use?

Why can C++ functors be preferable to objects with named methods?

c++ functor function-object

Is There a Indirection Functor?

how to pass a class method as argument to another method of the class in perl 6

raku function-object

Detecting function object (functor) and lambda traits

What is the correct argument type for a function-object?

c++ function-object

Recursively call a function object

c++ function-object