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New posts in initializer-list

convert initializer_list<T> to initializer_list<vector<T>> at compile time

Forcing std::vector overload instead of int overload on list with one element

C++ initializer list capabilities: call functions without initializing member?

c++ initializer-list

Assigning a braced-init-list to STL containers in C++11

Generate initializer list of varying size depending on template parameter

Use of this in initializer list

How to zero array members when my compiler isn't standard conform

Cannot convert from 'initializer-list' to 'std::initializer_list<Keyword> &'

Using a macro to initialize a big array of non-Copy elements

Using an initializer_list with bitset

How do I initialize with a 2 dimensional initializer_list?

Use initializer list to create single item vector

c++ initializer-list

Why can my compiler not figure out this conversion, when does it exist?

Does boost::container support C++11 initializer lists?

Initializer List for Derived Class

Failing to deduce type from lambdas in the initializer list

c++ data members initialization order when using initialization list

initializer_list and argument-dependent lookup

Is there a way to check std::initializer_list number of arguments at compile-time?

Can I avoid copying during the intialization of a std::initializer_list without using raw pointers?