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New posts in std-function

Passing std::function type which has a templated return type

c++ c++11 std-function

remove any element of vector<std::function<...>> that bound to member function

Is it safe to pass C++11 std::function to a legacy function that takes boost::function

omit std::placeholders in std::bind

c++ c++11 std-function stdbind

using a std::function or a forwarding reference as general-purpose callable object input parameter of a higher-order function?

Replacing std::function from within itself (by move-assignment to *this?)

variant of functions with different return types

c++ variant std-function

Strange behavior with std::function

c++ c++11 std-function

Why std::function has no function_type or equivalent member type?

c++ c++11 std-function

passing lambda to void specified template fails

Must I use lambda to pass a member function as std::function?

c++ std-function

std::function vs function pointer [duplicate]

Type deduction for std::function

How to pass an overloaded member-function as parameter?

non-capturing lambda and function pointer as parameter in overloaded function ambiguity

Is using shared_ptr and weak_ptr to manage lifetime of std::function safe?

remove an item from a vector of std::function

c++ c++11 vector std-function

Low latency callback in C++

c++ callback std-function

Define std::hash<std::function>

Binding a std::function to the same function of a different object instance

c++ c++11 std-function