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New posts in perfect-forwarding

Forward variadic template args to several class members

how std::thread constructor detects rvalue reference?

using a std::function or a forwarding reference as general-purpose callable object input parameter of a higher-order function?

Rvalue ref and perfect forwarding

Aren't forwarding references deduced as r-value references? [duplicate]

Why an Rvalue Reference is Turned into Lvalue Reference by a Universal Reference

Is this code legal? (C++0x move semantics)

What is the benefit of && on a lambda-expression?

C++ method forwarding

Perfect forwarding with a temporary function wrapper

Creating an `std::forward` alias - unexpected results

Selective forwarding function

I want to perfect forward variadic arguments except for a specific type

No matching function std::forward with lambdas

Understading this perfect forwarding example

c++ perfect-forwarding

Deducing a const l-value reference from a non-const l-value reference in C++ template

Why do we need second std::forward specialization?

static_cast<T&&>(t) faster than std::forward<T>(t) for compilation?

Why using std::forward on container before accessing element?

is any difference between std::forward<T> and std::forward<decltype(t)>?