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New posts in stdoptional

Use of std::optional to pass a std::vector<int> to a functional by reference

c++ std c++17 stdoptional

Why std::string append is not overloaded on rval ref?

Does C++ standard allow std::optional<double> to be implemented without overhead

How to move a value out of a std:optional without calling the destructor?

Why std::optional::value() &&; return &&?

c++ c++17 stdoptional

In which cases does std::optional operator == cause undefined behavior?

c++ c++17 stdoptional

When is it appropriate to use std::optional

namespace std:: does not contain optional

c++ stdoptional

Use std::optional as a regular pointer vs use has_value() and value

c++ c++17 stdoptional

Is '_HAS_CXX17' macro usable in custom project headers to enable C++17 language set features?

In C++17 can an if statement with an initializer be used to unpack an optional?

c++ c++17 stdoptional

Why does the const rvalue qualified std::optional::value() return a const rvalue reference?

How to in-place-construct an optional aggregate?

Does anything prevent std::optional::value_or() from being conditionally noexcept?

What's the advantage of `std::optional` over `std::shared_ptr` and `std::unique_ptr`?

c++ optional c++17 stdoptional

Overhead of std::optional<T>?

constexpr std::optional reset

Is there any advantage in using std::optional to avoid default arguments in a function?

c++ c++11 c++17 stdoptional

What is the point of `std::make_optional`