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New posts in object-construction

Why can compiler only implicitly convert char * to std::string in some cases

Java bad practice doing: new... ().doSomething()?

Initialize Derived class member variable before calling Base class constructor. Is this UB?

c++ object-construction

Type coercion in Perl6 class attribute

How should I construct a subclass using an instance of the superclass?

How do I construct an object in Perl6 from a hash?

raku object-construction

Object construction/Forward function declaration ambiguity

What is the purpose for std::construct_at to cast through a pointer to volatile when using placement new?

Does Java have a default copy constructor (like in C++)? [duplicate]

Is Java slow when creating Objects?

How do I use Powermockito to mock the construction of new objects when testing a method in an anonymous class?

std::initializer_list constructor

How do I initialize classes with lots of fields in an elegant way?

JavaScript: using constructor without operator 'new'

If two objects are declared in a single line, in which order are they constructed?

How can I initialize C++ object member variables in the constructor?

Why should I prefer to use member initialization lists?

c++ oop object-construction