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New posts in forward-declaration

Does the forward declaration need to be identical to its counterpart in the definition?

c forward-declaration

Forward declaration of a method

c++ forward-declaration

Forward declare pointers-to-structs in C++

Incomplete definition of type "struct objc_method"

Invalid use of incomplete type and forward declaration

c++ qt forward-declaration

C++ circular dependency returning by value?

How can I forward declare a type I'm going to create with typedef?

forward declare typedef'd struct

c++ forward-declaration

incomplete type error

Forward declaration between files

c++ forward-declaration

Function prototype vs include header in cpp

Forward-declare a typedef

Forward Referencing or Declaration in C++

android forward declarations not working in 1.6

foward typedef structures

Why can I call function templates without forward declarations?

`std::pair` `second` has incomplete type with `unordered_map` tree

Is it possible to forward declare a typedef that is within a namespace?