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New posts in zero-copy

How do I store a result using Serde Zero-copy deserialization of a Futures-enabled Hyper Chunk?

rust zero-copy serde

How can I achieve zero copy mechanism in POSIX?

linux posix zero-copy

Linux sockets: Zero-copy local, TCP/IP remote

linux sockets zero-copy

Linux splice() returning EINVAL ("Invalid argument")

udp pipe splice zero-copy

Can I do a zero-copy std::string allocation in C++ from a const char * array?

How to use OpenCL to write directly to linux framebuffer with zero-copy?

FileChannel zero-copy transferTo fails to copy bytes to SocketChannel

java sockets nio zero-copy

How do I construct string from byte array in D

string size d zero-copy

Zero-copy with and without Scatter/Gather operations

Can I use thrust::host_vector or I must use cudaHostAlloc for zero-copy with Thrust?

cuda gpu thrust zero-copy

Is zero-copy UDP packing receiving possibly on Linux?

Determining whether a readable file descriptor is the read end of a pipe

What are the semantics of vmsplice(2), with and without gifting?

How to implement zero-copy tcp using lock-free circular buffer in C++

Is there a way to perform zero-copying in .NET?

c# .net io zero-copy

Does Zero-copy exist in Windows OS?

windows zero-copy

How do you write zero copy in java? What are the main differences

java file-io zero-copy

communicating between processes with shared-memory results zero-copy?

vmsplice() and TCP