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std::string '+' : cannot add two pointers

Why assignment

std::string s="aaa"+1

works fine while

std::string s="aaa"+1+"bbb" 

gets error Error 14 error C2110: '+' : cannot add two pointers

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Andrey Zakcharenko Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 00:12

Andrey Zakcharenko

2 Answers

There is no + operator to concatenate C strings. C strings are just pointers (const char *), so if you add a number to it, it will just increment that pointer. Afterwards you convert it to a C++ string:

std::string s = "aaa" + 1

               const char *


Then in the second step it fails, when you try to concatenate the second string because while adding a constant to a pointer still made some sense (even though not in your case), there is no way you can make sense of adding two pointers.

"aaa" + 1 + "bbb" 

const char *

         const char *

To make sure you actually concatenate and don't sum pointers, I'd suggest using a stringstream. This also makes sure your constant number is converted properly to a string.

std::stringstream ss;
ss << "aaa" << 1 << "bbb";
std::string s = ss.str();

This will work for every type that has the operator<< overloaded.

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mastov Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 00:12


std::string s="aaa"+1;

This just compiles, but most likely does not do what you want: It adds 1 to the const char* the literal "aaa" decays to and then constructs the std::string from that pointer, resulting in s == "aa".

When using operator+ to concatenate strings, at least one of the operands must have type std::string, the other one may be const char* or something convertible to that. For example:

std::string s="aaa"+std::to_string(1);


std::string s="aaa"+std::to_string(1)+"bbb";
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Baum mit Augen Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 22:12

Baum mit Augen