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New posts in tchar

How to convert char* to TCHAR[ ]? [duplicate]

Visual Studio 2010 Arduino cpp Error: argument of type "char *" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPCWSTR"

How to convert std::wstring to a TCHAR*?

c++ unicode tchar

How do I convert a "pointer to const TCHAR" to a "std::string"?

c++ stdstring tchar

tchar.h not found on cygwin

Comparing two TCHAR's with same value results false

How can I substring a TCHAR

c++ windows tchar

C++ Combine 2 Tchar

c++ tchar

Converting _TCHAR* to char*

c++ string visual-c++ atl tchar

How to deal with Unicode strings in C/C++ in a cross-platform friendly way?

Cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const wchar_t *' to 'LPCTSTR' in MFC / C++ project

c++ string mfc tchar lpcwstr

Why is there a macro which defines _tmain?

How do I convert from _TCHAR * to char * when using C++ variable-length args?

c++ char tchar

Is there a format specifier that always means char string with _tprintf?

should I eliminate TCHAR from Windows code?

c winapi unicode utf-8 tchar

Errors using TCHAR,cannot convert to wchar_t

c++ wchar-t tchar

Differentiate between TCHAR and _TCHAR

windows unicode tchar

Is it advisable to use strcmp or _tcscmp for comparing strings in Unicode versions?

Concatenating a stack string with a heap string gives odd results

tchar.h on linux