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Changing data size of enumerated types C++

c++ mfc enums size

Groupbox resizing issue with radio buttons on top

c++ windows winapi mfc dialog

Problems with CFileDialog instantiation

c++ mfc cfiledialog

How to prevent my MFC dialog-based app from closing after ESC key, but allow other controls to process it?

VC++: how-to convert CString to TCHAR*

visual-c++ mfc

Example code for CMFCMenuButton?

c++ mfc cmfcmenubutton

How to extract the character from WM_KEYDOWN in PreTranslateMessage(MSG*pMsg)

Creating a function for displaying status updates with printf style string formatting on an MFC control

c++ winapi mfc dialog atl

Windows analog to UNIX atoh() function

windows mfc

Can I change the thickness of the border of a window with MFC?

mfc border thickness

Qt & double buffering - are there any neat tricks to capture pixels or manipulate the back buffer?

qt mfc qt4 doublebuffered

Where is the memory leak in this C++?

c++ mfc memory-leaks

How to lookup obscure windows message codes?

mfc winapi

Why isn't the dropdown arrow drawn for an CMFCMenuButton?

c++ mfc widget cmfcmenubutton

Buffer too small when copying a string using wcsncpy_s

How can I change the default CDialog font for a non-modal dialog?

c++ winapi mfc

Application GUI development platform

How to check if an other program is running in fullscreen mode, eg. a media player

c++ mfc dialog fullscreen

About selecting a MFC CListCtrl item

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how to create a thread using a non static method in vc++ mfc

visual-c++ mfc