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New posts in explicit-constructor

Inheritance and explicit constructors?

Implicit constructor available for all types derived from Base excepted the current type?

Why is my explicit constructor creating this ambiguity for my conversion operator?

c++ copy initialization & direct initialization, the weird case

When is a c++ constructor not called?

This is not copy-initializing, or is it?

Why is the constructor of std::in_place_t defaulted and explicit?

Difference in object construction using "X x(42)" and "X x = 42"?

explicit non-single parameter constructor

C++11 initializer_list constructor marked "explicit"

Can I overload an implicit initialization to 0?

Implicit conversion from int to vector?

Why is the std::bitset constructor with an unsigned long long argument not marked as explicit?

Is removing 'explicit' from a constructor binary compatible?

Why is the constructor in this C++ code ambiguous and how do I fix it?

Inheriting an explicit constructor (Intel C++)

Explicit on N-ary constructors?

What's the reasoning behind std::unique_ptr<T>'s constructor from T* being explicit?

What's the difference between explicit and implicit assignment in C++

c++ explicit-constructor