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New posts in copy-initialization

Why can't I copy-initialize a stringstream from a string?

copy initialization : why move or copy constructor was not called even if copy-elision is turned off?

Why does copy initialization of my class not work with string_view using string literals?

copy initialization - conversion from 'int' to non-scalar type

Is it possible to infer template parameters of tuple from brace-type initialization?

Can not-copyable class be caught by value in C++?

This is not copy-initializing, or is it?

Reference binding through ambiguous conversion operator

Strange behavior of copy-initialization, doesn't call the copy-constructor!

Why does copy initializaton require destructor in C++17 with guaranteed move/copy elision?

Does copy list initialization invoke copy ctor conceptually?

Which of these conversions should be ambiguous?

Copy initialization of the form '= {}'

When should you use direct initialization and when copy initialization?