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New posts in conversion-operator

static_cast vs. direct call to conversion operator?

Integer cast overload being used instead of bool cast overload

What does operator float*() do?

Implicit conversion operator doesn't kick in with operator overloading

operator T() not used in assignment

C++: Overloading operator=

Ambiguous resolution with template conversion operator

Why I'm not able to prevent the undesirable C-style cast to compile?

"Ambiguous conversion sequence" - what is the purpose of this concept?

When overloading operators in C++ why is T* preferred over bool?

operator T&() or operator T()?

Different behavior of direct and copy initialization on MS VC++ (using user-defined conversion operators)

explicit copy constructor or implicit parameter by value

Conversion operator implemented with static_cast

Difference between return value and local variable

Overloaded function and multiple conversion operators ambiguity in C++, compilers disagree

Template conversion operator difference between clang 6 and clang 7

Is it possible to refer to a user-defined conversion template in a using declaration?

Explicit ref-qualified conversion operator templates in action

Ambiguity involving templated conversion operator and implicit copy constructor