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New posts in copy-elision

copy initialization : why move or copy constructor was not called even if copy-elision is turned off?

C++ nrvo/copy elision with return statement in parentheses

How to move temporary object without std::move [duplicate]

RAII and factory design pattern?

How to use copy elision when function is called in if block

Call constructor using auto on the left side [duplicate]

Const-correctness for non trivial variables

c++ copy-elision

Guaranteed copy elision and forward declaration of returned type

When does NRVO kick in? What are the requirements to be satisfied?

Is it safe to modify RVO values within an RAII construct? [duplicate]

Why does Return Value Optimization not happen if no destructor is defined?

c++ class copy-elision rvo nrvo

In c++11, can a virtual function return a large value efficiently with move semantics?

Move Constructor vs Copy Elision. Which one gets called?

Guaranteed copy elision and Nonmoveable{Nonmoveable{}}

c++ gcc c++17 copy-elision

std::pair move not elided on definition?

Does copy elision work with structured bindings

GCC NRVO/RVO warning

c++ gcc g++ copy-elision

MSVC cannot return an object that can be copied but cannot be moved

Clang and GCC vs MSVC and ICC: Is a static_assert in the copy/move constructor required to work, if copy/move elision could apply too?