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Does introducing a new variable defeat return value optimisation?

c++ rvo nrvo

How can I ensure RVO instead of copy is performed?

c++ smart-pointers nrvo

C++ nrvo/copy elision with return statement in parentheses

Why should one rely on Named Return Value Optimization?

c++ nrvo

Using a const reference to a returned by value value

Can I rely on named return value optimisation for complicated return types?

c++ rvo nrvo

Why does Return Value Optimization not happen if no destructor is defined?

c++ class copy-elision rvo nrvo

Return Value Optimization - C++ - Destructor calls

c++ nrvo rvo

Is the object copied or not when RVO/NRVO kicks in?

c++ copy-constructor nrvo rvo

Complete example of (N)RVO

c++ move-semantics nrvo

Is RVO applied on this situation?

c++ c++11 rvo nrvo

Why is clang not optimizing this with NRVO?

c++ optimization c++11 nrvo

Why NRVO is not applied here?

c++ visual-studio-2010 nrvo

How does C++ ABI deal with RVO and NRVO?

c++ abi rvo nrvo

Will RVO happen when returning std::pair?

c++ c++11 std-pair rvo nrvo

Named Return Value Optimization when using std::optional

c++ optional nrvo option-type

Shouldn't NRVO guarantee the local named variable and the call-site variable to take the same address?

c++ nrvo

Are compilers clever enough to std::move variables going out of scope?

Avoid const locals that are returned?

c++ c++14 move-semantics nrvo