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New posts in x87

Signalling NaN was corrupted when returning from x86 function (flds/fstps of x87)

linux gcc assembly fpu x87

x87 FPU computing e powered x, maybe with a Taylor series?

Add a constant value to a xmm register in x86

assembly x86 sse x87

Instruction FYL2XP1

What is the error of trigonometric instructions on x86?

x87 FPOP and FCOM instructions - how do these work?

intel c assembly x86 x87

gcc 4.x not supporting x87 FPU math?

linux g++ sse libstdc++ x87

Why does the 80x87 instruction set use a "stack-based" design?

How do you get maximal speed out of SSE?

How to decompile this x87 assembly calculation?

Convert a floating point to an integer with truncation instead of rounding using the x87 FPU

assembly nasm x87

Double vs Float80 speed in Swift

Do denormal flags like Denormals-Are-Zero (DAZ) affect comparisons for equality?

Are there unsigned equivalents of the x87 FILD and SSE CVTSI2SD instructions?

Adding floating point/double numbers in assembly

c assembly x86 x87

80-bit floating point and subnormal numbers

How to specify clobbered bottom of the x87 FPU stack with extended gcc assembly?

c gcc assembly x86 x87

How is the initial value of x87 floating point control word defined?

c++ c floating-point x87

Sine computation inconsistency in Visual C++ 2012?

c++ c visual-c++ assembly x87

Why does .NET use SIMD and not x87 for math operations not intrinsic to SIMD?