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New posts in audiounit

iOS: Process audio from AVPlayer video track

Adjust the length of an AudioUnit Buffer

is it possible to enumerate Audio Unit parameter descriptions?

core-audio audiounit

FFT output with float buffer AudioUnit

Mixing multiple signals using audio units on the iOS

How to use audio units in an application

How to create a Audio Device driver to capture sound Mac is playing?

What's the reason of using Circular Buffer in iOS Audio Calling APP?

CABasicAnimation lag issues with IOS 5 and RemoteIO

Is it possible to list all RemoteIO audio units currently in the application?

ios audio core-audio audiounit

iOS: Audio Units: setting arbitrary sample rate

Custom Audio Effect in CoreAudio Audio Graph - Render Callback

Core Audio (Audio Units) audio session and MPVolumeView

AVAudioUnitSampler generates sinewaves after headphones route change, iOS 11 iPhone

How to load third party Audio Units with AudioKit

iOS: How to resample audio(PCM data) using Audio Unit at runtime?

What stream format should iOS5 Effect Units use