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New posts in core-animation

Apply a perspective transform without rotating

iOS Animated Bezier/Sine Curve

iOS animateWithDuration complete immediately for hidden/show or even opacity

ios core-animation

setting scnnode presentation position

How do I use CALayer with the iPhone?

iphone core-animation

Create CATransition for UIView from current state

CGL vs AGL vs OpenGL vs NSOpenGL vs CoreAnimation(CALayer)

can I reuse a CAAnimation instance by modifying it after adding it to a layer?

cocoa core-animation

Keeping CAShapeLayer Mask Static During Animation

ios core-animation

Animating CAGradientLayer's locations property in a UIScrollView mask resets after completion

Animate filling of a circular progress meter using an image mask in iOS

UIView frame animation "wiggle"

Why wouldn't you want layer backed views

cocoa core-animation nsview

Crash in UITableView sending message to deallocated UIViewController

how to 'animate' changing shape of a view in IOS? (i.e. change it's path from one to another)

Any difference between `self.backgroundcolor` and `self.layer.backgroundcolor`?

iphone - create animation like user location Blue marble drop

How to animate CATransform3D with multiple transforms?

Calling setNeedsDisplay:YES on layer-hosting view does not redraw the view

cocoa core-animation

Bad text rendering with Core Animation