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New posts in ios6.1

NSBundle finds mp3 file but not m4a when trying to instantiate AVAudioPlayer

ios avaudioplayer ios6.1

Apple 802.11 API on IOS6.1 - anyone have the correct bundle?

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although ios 6.1 as base sdk xcode 5 build ipa for ios 7

ios7 xcode5 ipa ios6.1

Date picker scrolls to past date, even though minimum date is set to current date

iphone ios datepicker ios6.1

How to find the kind of subview object the view is containing in it?

iOS Instruments Automation "setValue" not working

iOS play video with MPMoviePlayerController

iphone ios ios5 ios6 ios6.1

iOS 6.1 simulator on OSX 10.10 Yosemite

NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException: 'Could not instantiate class named _UITableViewCellSeparatorView'

Reference to ' ' is ambigous error in Xcode

<command line>:2:10: Macro name missing

xcode4.6 ios6.1

How can we handle headphone play/pause button events in foreground in ios

Storyboard app run on iOS 7 OK but Navbar shift view on iOS 6.1

storyboard ios7 ios6.1

Error after upgrading to xcode 4.6 and iOS 6.1 "used as the name of the previous parameter rather than as part of the selector"

How can I reproduce website crash on iOS 6.1

ios safari ios6.1