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Change camera capture device while recording a video

Core Image - rendering a transparent image on CMSampleBufferRef result in black box around it

Playing audio while applying video filter in GPUImage

Why does Swift's AVPlayer loads the playerItem for twice on one play?

Swift - Stop avaudioplayer

iOS AVFoundation set exposure value, in EV units

ios avfoundation

AVAsset from AVAudioFile has 0 duration

Get an edited photo's URL from PHAsset

ios swift avfoundation phasset

dyld: Library not loaded: AVFoundation.framework Reason: image not found

iphone avfoundation

Why is my image not updating when i call it from the capture output protocol?

ios xcode avfoundation

What is the time scale portion of a CMTime?

How to Fix capturing images with front facing camera mirrors image, AVFoundation,Swift

avfoundation: appendPixelBuffer withPresentationTime, adaptor not ready

Is there a way to distinguish between a live stream and an on-demand file stream with AVPlayer?

AVAssetExportSession estimatedOutputFileLength always returns 0

Capture current camera image using AVFoundation

how to upload recorded audio file to parse?

Fastest way to calculate average RGB pixel value for AVCaptureVideoDataOutput feed - CPU/GPU

ios swift opengl avfoundation

Generate images from AVAssetImageGenerator gives same image duplicates for different times

ios avfoundation

AVAsset tracks is empty