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New posts in avfoundation

AVCaptureSession and Preview Layer does not fill entire screen

AVPlayer show and hide loading indicator when buffering

iOS process audio stream while playing video

How to Programmatically Take Photos While Recording Video

AVPlayer does not sound if disabled audio / vibration: on

Scale of AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer

iPhone (SDK 2.2): adusting playback volume while NOT actively playing music w/ AVFoundation?

Rotating AV video preview area and other elements when using AV Foundation

Output from AVAssetWriter (UIImages written to video) distorted

How do I set the orientation for a frame-by-frame-generated video using AVFoundation?

AVCam vs UIImagepicker

AVFoundation: Fit Video to CALayer correctly when exporting

AVPlayer class events

AVFoundation video preview is darker than the native Camera app

ios camera avfoundation

Swift ERROR : : Call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled [duplicate]

ios swift avfoundation

swift 3 error: Type 'AVLayerVideoGravity' has no member 'resizeAspectFill'

Keeping track of time while recording

No Sound Suddenly After Using AVAudioPlayer a lot -- Please Aid ["AppleAudioQueue.39.189049" (25) flags=0x2 errno=24]

Clear a CVPixelBufferRef using the GPU

How to convert base64 into NSDATA in swift

ios swift base64 avfoundation