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iOS process audio stream while playing video

I am trying to create a video player for iOS, but with some additional audio track reading. I have been checking out MPVideoPlayerController, and also AVPlayer in the AV Foundation, but it's all kinda vague. What I am trying to do is play a video (from a local .mp4), and while the movie is playing get the current audio buffer/frames, so I can do some calculations and other (not video/audio relevant) actions that depend on the currently played audio. This means that the video should keep on playing, with its audio tracks, but I also want the live raw audio data for calculations (like i.e.: getting the amplitude for certain frequency's).

Does anyone have an example or hints to do this ? Of-course I checked out Apple's AV Foundation library documentation, but it was not clear enough for me.

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Niek van der Steen Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 10:12

Niek van der Steen

1 Answers

After a really (really) long time Googling, I found a blog post that describes MTAudioProcessingTap. Introduced in iOS 6.0, it solves my problem perfectly.

The how-to/blogpost can be found here : http://chritto.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/processing-avplayers-audio-with-mtaudioprocessingtap/

I Hope it helps anyone else now....... The only thing popping up for me Googling (with a lot of different terms) is my own post here. And as long as you don't know MTAudioProcessingTap exists, you don't know how to Google for it :-)

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Niek van der Steen Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 02:01

Niek van der Steen