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New posts in orientation-changes

Rotating AV video preview area and other elements when using AV Foundation

Webview reloading on Orientation Change in Honeycomb

Retaining listener after screen rotation - DialogFragment with DatePicker

Recyclerview not populating with data after orientation change

My Android app rotates even if screen rotation is disabled in the OS. How can I fix this?

Preserving the state of ActivityGroup's child activities on screen rotation [duplicate]

How to change the Orientation for fragments in Android?

Detect Orientation Change on IE10 Metro with JavaScript

App size is too big because of too many images

Saving some data on orientation change in Android

iOS: How do I figure out the current orientation in viewWillAppear?

How to detect when the device switch from portrait to landscape mode? [duplicate]

ActionBar Drop Down navigation - orientation change puts wrong fragment in

Different fragment wasn`t loaded when orientation changed (android)

Different layout for "Landscape" and "Landscape-reverse" orientation

ViewPager with different adapters for portrait and landscape

iOS CAlayer Orientation AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer doesn't rotate