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New posts in dialogfragment

Starting DialogFragment from a class extending RecyclerView.ViewHolder

Android - DialogFragment with Layout Containing Fragment

Retaining listener after screen rotation - DialogFragment with DatePicker

RelativeLayout alignment rules don't work in DialogFragment

getView's DialogFragment returning null on onDismiss

android view dialogfragment

Not seeing EditNameDialogListener interface

Styling custom dialog fragment not working

How can I set a minute interval in DialogFragment

Appcompact DialogFragment single-choice checkmark color

DialogFragment with custom ListView

How to move a DialogFragment out of the center?

Android: support DialogFragment with custom layout not shown

While passing Android DialogFragment arguments, onCreateDialog bundle agument is unexpectedly null

Android 6.0 DatePickerDialog Theme

AutoCompleteTextView allow only suggested options

DialogFragment is always resized when soft keyboard is opened

DialogFragment has blue line on top in Android 4.4.2