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New posts in android-orientation

No view found for id XXX when trying to change device configuration

AsyncTask with ProgressDialog vs orientation change

why is onCreate() being called after onConfigurationChanged?

Webview reloading on Orientation Change in Honeycomb

My Android app rotates even if screen rotation is disabled in the OS. How can I fix this?

Detect orientation change, when only portrait is allowed on Android

Setting different orientations for Phone and Tablet on Android

Android: set activity orientation BEFORE onCreate, but not in manifest (HDMI plugged in issue)

How to prevent the layout from getting reset when the screen orientation changes?

Saving a backstack across orientation change

Locking ScreenOrientation

Orientation Change: IllegalStateException when DialogFragment is visible

How can I set a max width on a LinearLayout so that it doesn't stretch in Landscape mode?

how i can break things with Fragments with setRetainInstance(true) and adding them to backstack?