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New posts in core-video

Clear a CVPixelBufferRef using the GPU

iOS CoreVideo Memory Leaks

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Core video - displaylink I need help interpreting CVTimeStamp

Changing video Frame size using AVFoundation

How to add interactive UIView (e.g. countdown timer) in a CoreVideo live streaming session

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Core Video pixel buffers as GL_TEXTURE_2D

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Using OpenGL ES texture caches instead of glReadPixels to get texture data

Render dynamic text onto CVPixelBufferRef while recording video

CVPixelBuffer to CIImage always returning nil

How to choose the a pixel format type (kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey) for use with AVAssetReader?

Understanding Core Videos CVPixelBufferPool and CVOpenGLESTextureCache semantics

CVMetalTextureGetTexture ownerhsip?

CVPixelBuffer vs. CVImageBuffer, and Buffers in general

swift core-image core-video

CVMetalTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage always return null

Create a CMSampleBuffer from a CVPixelBuffer