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New posts in core-foundation

comparing NSCFString and NSCFBoolean

Getting raw HTTP request from CFHTTPMessageRef

How to create a CFDictionary in an OS X target?

Huge Memory Leak in CGMutablePathRef

Difference between class property mVar and instance variable self.mVar

How to use CFMutableDictionaryRef with ARC

assign properties, ARC and Core Foundation objects


How can I send a userInfo dict using CFNotificationCenterGetDarwinNotifyCenter()

What to do when "memory leaks" are caused by the Foundation framework?

Creating Core Foundation classes

Casting an NSError return to a CFErrorRef return

How to kill all the threads which they are not the main thread?

Toll-free bridging of CFError to NSError not working in Swift 3

NSDate as keys for NSDictionary

CFMutableArray grows beyond its capacity

Why doesn't this simple CoreMIDI program produce MIDI output?

Releasing Core Foundation object references

Why would CFRelease(NULL) crash?

How to convert CFArray to Swift Array?