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New posts in core-foundation

Issue with CFArrayRef and NSArray when drawing gradient using ARC

UnsafeMutablePointer<CFTypeRef> in Swift 3

NSUrlRequest: where an app can find the default headers for HTTP request?

CGColor internals

CFRunLoopObserver vs. nested CFRunLoops

macos cocoa core-foundation

How do I use Apple's GameController framework from a macOS Command Line Tool?

Dual mode ARC/GC and Core Foundation bridging

SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags() in Swift

Memory Management: NSString's stringWithCString:encoding:

Creating a custom CFType

How would I add only business days to an NSDate?

Getting the BSD name of a USB device using IOKit to write to the device?

macos core-foundation iokit

Proper memory management with CFStringRef and CFRelease

CVMetalTextureGetTexture ownerhsip?

How to perform an action exactly after 0.3 seconds for a given number of times?

LSSetDefaultRoleHandlerForContentType in Yosemite

Folding/Normalizing Ligatures (e.g. Æ to ae) Using (Core)Foundation