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New posts in avaudiorecorder

How to pause and resume audio recording using AVAudioRecorder

AVAudioSession sharedInstance requestRecordPermission:^(BOOL granted)

Keeping track of time while recording

Why is AVAudioRecorder prepareToRecord Failing?

iphone avaudiorecorder

Writing ID3 tags via AVMetaDataItem

Initialization of AVAudioRecorder with aac

iOS: Record audio below some certain frequency

AVAssetExportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler: method Not Called

iOS: How to trim silence from start and end of .aif audio recording?

microphone input listening on iOS, AVAudioRecorder or something else?

How can I append to a recorded MPEG4 AAC file?

Sending AVAudioRecorder to server iOS

AVAudio detect note/pitch/etc. iPhone xcode objective-c

AVAudioRecorder records blank file

Can't record on iPad: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=1718449215 "(null)"

ios ipad avaudiorecorder

Android: AudioRecord Error code -20 when initializing native AudioRecord object

AvAudioRecorder settings configuration help

iOS AVAudioSession interruption notification not working as expected

How to increase volume of sound recorded using AVAudioRecorder