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New posts in avassetexportsession

How can I export a AVPlayer audio mp3 file using AVAssetExportSession?

Export portrait video to square but with scaleAspectFit ratio

Writing ID3 tags via AVMetaDataItem

Exporting Wav Files Using AVAssetExportSession

Music convert and how to know if writing are completed

AVAssetExportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler: method Not Called

AVAssetExportSession audio missing in iOS9

AVAssetExportSession wrong orientation in front camera

ios avassetexportsession

AVAssetTrack's preferredTransform sometimes seems to be wrong. How can this be fixed?

Why does AVAssetExportSession produce an empty file?

Unable to trim a video using AVAssetExportSession

AVAssetExportSession Cannot create file Error -12115

How to properly use AVAssetExportSession to set metadata for an audio asset?

Progress bar for AVAssetExportSession

Swift: UnsafeMutablePointer.deinitialize fatal error with negative count when appending to array